Title: | A complete series of Ogata Gekko's Zuihitsu. 月耕随筆. |
Description: | A very rare complete series. The prints are binded back to back in a folding album. Including the title page, the series has 48 prints, adding the "Excellent Award" that this series received during the 3rd Trade Expo in Japan, it's total 49 prints.
Most prints have dating on the lower left margin. They were date between Meiji 20 and Meiji 29 (1888 - 1897). The chance of having a complete series via retail purchases is very very slim because some of this series rare prints have never been offer for sale. For example, print #5, #23, and #32. |
Dimensions: | Oban tate-e. All prints are in vertical format. |
Condition: | Very good. Some foxing and toning. |
Artist/Maker: | Ogata Gekko (尾形 月耕). |
Publisher: | Matsuki Heikichi. |
Price: | For sale. Please ask for price. |
Comment: | References: The British Museum collection of Gekko's Zuihitsu prints.. OgataGekko.net - Complete Gekko' Zuihitsu series Shogun Gallery - Ogata Gekko Zuihitsu prints www.ogatagekko.com |